IELTS Academic Writing Task-1: PROCESS FLOW

The IELTS Academic Writing Task-1 comprises of many variations. The task is required to be described or summarized in our own words. The given picture, may be a line, bar or a pie chart or pre-post development area pictures or data table or a process flow chat and a combination of these. It is aContinue reading “IELTS Academic Writing Task-1: PROCESS FLOW”

Topic Wise Opening Lines for Task-2: Part-2

The introduction of Task-2 is critical to a good band score in IELTS. It is said that ‘well begun is half done’. The opening line of the start of an essay must be excellently carved, brimming with high order vocabulary, with an efficiently articulated complex sentence. It must tell the importance of the issue. Today,Continue reading “Topic Wise Opening Lines for Task-2: Part-2”

Topic Wise Opening Lines for Task-2: Part-1

In this post I will suggest some opening lines of the introduction part of Essay Writing in IELTS test. I hope these may help the candidates to give a great start to the essay. These are suggestive in nature and not exhaustive. TECHNOLOGY: ” With the advent of technology, the human life has gone aContinue reading “Topic Wise Opening Lines for Task-2: Part-1”

IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-4

The last three parts showcased a number of parameters and problems regarding the IELTS/English writing. In this post, I am going to discuss about another common but very simple grammatical mistake, which the students often commit. It is about the correct form of Voice. The rules and the tips to eliminate the mistake of usageContinue reading “IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-4”

IELTS Speaking: Requirements and Tips

IELTS speaking test is a section in the whole test that is very difficult to crack for the non-English speaking natives and the candidates who are not habitual of speaking the global language in their daily routine. Even if they may be good at grammar because of being high scoring student in their school days,Continue reading “IELTS Speaking: Requirements and Tips”

IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-3

I thank my readers for an encouraging response to these blogs. After the feedback, observations and persisting errors in writing tasks, I have decided to write on some simple but crucial points to be vigilant about while writing any task. It has been already discussed the criticality of grammar rules and some suggestions have beenContinue reading “IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-3”

IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-2

In the part-1, a lot of talk was about the grammar skills and how to use a word in distinct parts of speech. I hope the readers got something to improve upon their writing expression. Moving from the point where I left, some of the more challenges faced by the IELTS candidates while attempting theContinue reading “IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-2”

IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-1

In addition to speaking test, the IELTS Writing tasks are also tough, especially for the students who are weak at English. The students find it very difficult to come to terms with grammar skills, vocabulary and ideas required for Task-2. At this stage of their career, they feel highly frustrated and sometimes helpless with theContinue reading “IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-1”

IELTS Speaking-How to Start?

Among all the IELTS modules, the speaking test is the most low scoring and feared, especially by the candidates who seldom speak in English language in their day to day affairs. Hesitation and lack of articulation are the inherent weaknesses that they portray. In addition, lack of grammatical skills and advanced vocabulary make this exerciseContinue reading “IELTS Speaking-How to Start?”

Vocabulary -1

Vocabulary is a critical component of speaking and writing skills in any language. When it comes to English language, learning vocabulary is a tedious work for a non-English speaking native. A candidate tries to learn a large number of words given in coaching books. However, only learning vocabulary is not enough. The articulation of wordsContinue reading “Vocabulary -1”

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