IELTS Academic Writing Task-1: PROCESS FLOW

The IELTS Academic Writing Task-1 comprises of many variations. The task is required to be described or summarized in our own words. The given picture, may be a line, bar or a pie chart or pre-post development area pictures or data table or a process flow chat and a combination of these. It is a simple task because no information or idea needs to be added from the candidate’s side. However, one has to be perfect in grammar, sentence construction and using synonyms for the various categories, trends or processes. Still a lot of students or aspirants find it difficult to justify this task, which can support the band score, if prepared well. Today, I will discuss the finer points of Process Flow or Methodology task, with the help of an example.

A process flow is a diagram which comprises of various steps to produce, generate or explains something happening in consecutive (sequential) or parallel (simultaneous) or converging (fusion) steps. A process has a starting step, succeeding steps, preceding steps, a penultimate step and a final step. For describing a sequence of steps, the following words can be used, wisely:

For starting a process flow: Initially, Firstly, To start with, To begin with, To initiate, To start the ball rolling, to commence, to kickstart or any other relevant phrase.

For Succeeding Steps: Next, Secondly, Thirdly, Subsequently, After this, The next step is, In the next, In the following, Followed by, Succeeded by, Then, In the next stage, and then, In the subsequent step, Moving forward, Furthermore.

For the step before the final step: The last but one, the penultimate, last step before finalization,

For the final step: Finally, in the last, to finish, to get the final output, to reach the final stage, the culminating step is, the finishing touches, and the ….. is ready for, the final outcome, as a result of the previous steps, the preceding processing leads to, the product is finalised/finished/made ready/ready to use/ready to be transported/ the final destination, Moving to the final step

Next important element is the construction of sentences. In the process flow chat, mostly simple present tense, that too in active voice is used. Although, if required, passive voice and present perfect can be used.

The mixture passes through or is passed through

The process starts with or the process is initiated by or with

Then it goes through or is mixed with or is put through

The it reaches the or it comes out of the…to move to….

Finally, the product is received as or finally, it reaches or it is packed or it is used or it is transported.

A care has to be taken about singular or plural auxiliaries (is/are)

The comes the vocabulary for the specifics in the process. We will take an example and try to make the things easier for the candidates. Let’s take a problem.

The diagrams show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features.

Write at least 150 words.

If we look at the diagram, it shows a moth becoming a silkworm, which turns into a silk cocoon. The either the cycles repeats or the silk thread is taken from it and woven into a cloth. This the whole process divided into various steps.

Vocabulary can be: silkworm, insect, feeding, mulberry leaves, weaves around itself, time duration, number of days, time period, fibre, thread, a long thin wire of, two options, put into boiling water, spun into, drawn into, making of silk yarn by winding together, converted into cloth, yarn is dyed or colored.

Let,s start.

1. First Step is to define the problem by para-phrasing it in simple words of your own. Do not try to copy the given problem. Try to redefine the statement in your own words.

Para one: The given process flow/ picture/ method describes /presents /delineates /gives details of the developmental stages of a silkworm into a silk cocoon, followed by the methodology of getting textile from the silk. It is summarized below.

Para two: It is crystal clear that the moth lays eggs on the leaf of a mulberry tree and hatch into larvae after 10 days, which eat the leaves to get developed into silkworms to start secreting silk thread around themselves after a span of 28 to 42 days. Subsequently, the silkworms get trapped into final cocoon of silk . At this stage there are two paths. If the cocoon is left undisturbed, it again converts into a moth to restart the life cycle of a silk worm. Otherwise, it starts its journey of becoming a silk fabric.

Para Three: To initiate the conversion of cocoon into the final textile, the silk covering of silkworm is put into extremely hot water, in which the insect is separated from the silk case. After that a long wire up to 900 m is drawn from it. Next, a number of long silk fibres are converted to yarn by twisting. Finally, either the silk cord is directly colored or dyed after weaving it into a fabric.

Conclusion: Overall, the journey of a silkworm has two fates. Either it starts its new life-cycle or becomes a commercial product.

The above is an example of writing a process. A candidate can have any style of describing. However, the sentences have to be in any voice of simple present tense. The main focus is clarity in description, smooth process flow, impeccable grammar (subject-verb agreement) and relevant synonyms, wherever possible.

I hope it will help the candidates to learn about the Task-1 regarding a process flow chart/diagram. The suggestions are welcome for any specific task to be undertaken in the next post.

Topic Wise Opening Lines for Task-2: Part-2

The introduction of Task-2 is critical to a good band score in IELTS. It is said that ‘well begun is half done’. The opening line of the start of an essay must be excellently carved, brimming with high order vocabulary, with an efficiently articulated complex sentence. It must tell the importance of the issue. Today, we will try to know the opening lines of some other topics.

GLOBALIZATION: The advent of globalization has lead to integration of world economy as one, which is viewed as one market by the consumers and the marketers, though a lot of understanding between different countries need to be reached for realizing the actual purpose of world wide free trade./ The globalization of world economy has resulted in the transfer of the latest advancements in technology from the developed countries to the developing, hence has given a boost to consumerism in the third-world nation./ It is undeniable that the emergence of globalization has paved the way for intercontinental movement of good and services as the major developments in supply-chain have reached every nook and corner of the globe/ There is no doubt that due to globalization and free trade agreements, the developed countries are able to enjoy great advantage over the less progressive nations and followed the policy of dumping the obsolete technology in the poor nations,/ The advent of globalization has put more accountability on the shoulders of the affluent nations to contribute to the progress and prosperity of the third-world economies struggling with even basic amenities like education, health and hygiene./ Globalization has resulted in the integration of world markets and has increased the pace of economic activity throughout the world.

CRIME AND ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR: It is ironical that in the presence of excellent progress made by humans, the disrespectful behavior and crime rate have been increasing off-late/ Along with massive development done by mankind, it has witnessed a humungous increase in self-centric and illegal activities./ There is no doubt that with the increase in massive urbanization, the crime rate has leap-frogged to new levels/ There is no doubt that not a single nation has been left untouched by the ever climbing global terrorism./ With the increase in consumerism, the materialistic possessions and the individualism has jumped manifold and this has resulted in the swelling of disrespectful and antisocial behavior among the present generation./ It undeniable that better parenting can abate the continuous growth in the youth becoming hostile, stubborn and crime oriented/ There is no doubt that the guardians play a vital role in teaching human values to kids, yet they cannot be held liable and reprimanded for the antisocial activities done by children./ There is no doubt that excessive freedom to the infants leads them to go stray and follow the path of undesirable social behavior./ It is a highly debatable issue whether the parent should be held accountable for the misdeeds of the kids and also whether they should share the brunt of being legally convicted./ It is undeniable that the promotion of criminals as saviors and messiahs of the downtrodden and the fight sequences in the cinema and other media, have contributed to the criminalization of the adolescents.

HEALTH AND FITNESS: It is irrefutable that the rampant consumption of junk food is the major reason of increasing fatal ailments among the citizens throughout the globe./ Nobody can deny the fact that with the excessive usage of electronic gadgets, a huge proportion of the global population is becoming sedentary and this has lead to numerous health hazards./ It is popular saying that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Hence the benefits of sound health and a fit body cannot be undermined and are critical for a happy and successful life./ As the health and fitness among the denizens are dwindling day by day, the state must take the onus of investing in sports and outdoor activity infrastructure including the promotion of such activities in the society./ With the rise in inactive lifestyle of the kids, the education providers must aggressively promote a culture of track and field among the pupils through providing adequate infrastructure and coaching personnel./ it is undeniable that the tilting of scales in favor of junk and international cuisines at the cost of nutritious home made balanced diet, have contributed to the deteriorating health standards and prevalence of chronical ailments like diabetes, hypertension and numerous fatal diseases./ It is a debatable issue whether the up-bringers or the schools should take the responsibility of inculcating healthy eating practices among the younger generation in order to prevent them from suffering in the future.

The above are three more topics for which the opening sentences are suggested, above, to give a kick start to essay writing or IELTS task-2. These lines are suggestive in nature and a candidate can write better, too. This effort is to help and guide the non-English residents, who haven’t had a great schooling from English point of view and lack articulation skills on different topics.

I will carry on the similar efforts in the coming posts. I hope many will benefit from these posts.

Contact me at 7087937009 for online live classes for English enhancement.

Topic Wise Opening Lines for Task-2: Part-1

In this post I will suggest some opening lines of the introduction part of Essay Writing in IELTS test. I hope these may help the candidates to give a great start to the essay. These are suggestive in nature and not exhaustive.

TECHNOLOGY: ” With the advent of technology, the human life has gone a complete restructure”/With the advent of technology, the human life has gone a sea-change/The advancements in technology has an impact in every field/ No sphere of human-life has remained untouched from the effects of advancements in technology/ Since the emergence of humans on the mother earth, they have astonished themselves with scientific inventions like steam-engine, electricity and now the artificial intelligence/ In addition to the inventions of fire, wheel and steam engine, the advent of robotics is the latest development, which has taken the world by storm/ The quest for making the human life more comfortable, the invention of robots is a gamechanger/

EDUCATION: Education is the key to an aware and enlightened mind, which can contribute to the growth and prosperity of a society or a nation/ A well educated population can be a great contributor to development of a nation/ Education is the key to solving numerous social evils/ There is no doubt that a knowledgeable individual is an asset for any nation and can contribute to the nation building in a positive manner/ There is no doubt that education plays a vital role in the development of a country/ There is no doubt that the government must allocate a handsome amount to promote education among the citizens/ The developed are the nations who spend huge sums on educating the masses/Educating the population must be the foremost duty of any government/ With the advancements in internet and related services, it has become possible to take the education to the doorsteps of the learners and to the remote areas/There is no doubt that online education is to stay and will be a key driver to disseminate knowledge across large geographical areas/ There is no doubt that the distance learning or off-campus learning is great way to make education to numerous groups like working people, handicaps, small entrepreneurs and residents of remote areas/

POLLUTION: It is irrefutable that the pollution levels have increased to a dangerous degree, where an immediate intervention is inevitable to stem the further degradation of environment/ There is no doubt that the ever burgeoning pollution levels have become a burning issue, globally and all the nations must converge to solve this demon/There is no doubt that the degraded environment cannot be enclosed inside international borders and has a global impact and in order to control this menace, a coordinated effort is required worldwide/ There is no doubt that the use of non-conventional, non-polluting and renewable energy resources can be a great boost to revitalize the ever depleting environment/ It is undeniable that the replacement of fossil fuel automotive with non-polluting electric vehicles can plummet the skyrocketing accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere/Climate change is a burning issue throughout the globe and has to be encountered at the world level/ There is no doubt that the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the environment has resulted in the rising the atmospheric temperature, globally/ Global warming is a burning issue and if not tackled, immediately, it will result in terrestrial catastrophes

CHILDREN: It is undeniable that the present day kids have to undergo immense pressure due to schooling, society and up-bringers/ Due to the easy accessibility to electronic gadgets, the reading of story books has dwindled among the off-springs/ The role of both the parents cannot be undermined in the upbringing of the kids/ It is commonly observed that the teachers have greater influence than the parents and the kids learn a lot form their mentors than at home/ With the advent of technology and the availability of numerous gizmos, the children are becoming more sedentary and the adverse effects of declining physical activity among the infant cannot be taken lightly/ There is no doubt that the teachers are looked upon as nation builders and hence are responsible for the comprehensive development of the kids/ it is irrefutable that the world-wide-web and the mass media have become an indispensable part of learning and the kids cannot be denied access to the latest platforms/ there is no doubt that the popularity of computers and smartphones have had an adverse effect on the usage of paper and pen. However, the role of learning awesome handwriting skills at an early age cannot be left unattended.

The above are the opening lines for some of the topics which may be used at the start of the introduction of IELTS writing task-2. These are only a few topics. More topics and the related openers will be covered in the subsequent posts. These are suggestive and not exhaustive in nature. The candidates are all free to use there creativity and can write even much better. These line are just some cues for the students who are not well versed with the skills of writing.

Looking forward to the suggestions of the readers regarding inclusion of some topics they desire. Please, feel free to post your views. You may contact at 7087937009 for online live English improvement classes.

IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-4

The last three parts showcased a number of parameters and problems regarding the IELTS/English writing. In this post, I am going to discuss about another common but very simple grammatical mistake, which the students often commit. It is about the correct form of Voice. The rules and the tips to eliminate the mistake of usage of auxiliary verbs in the change of voice are demonstrated in the upcoming description.

Let’s first try to note the errors that are commonly done by the students.

Pollution is cause the health hazards. ‘is’ is wrongly used. It is a simple tense and the student is writing in active voice. The correct sentence: Pollution causes health hazards.

Similarly: They are cut trees. I am play cricket. They were remembered me. He was passed the examination.

These look very simple mistakes. My experience with the students is that it takes huge effort to make them understand the difference and the reason behind the mistake. The cause is that the teachers do not teach the grammar the way it needs to be taught and the students don’t study the way it needs to be learnt.

Let’s do this exercise by looking at the rules of change of voice for only simple tenses.

Present tense: The structure of Active Voice: Subject + first form of verb (s or not s depending upon the number of subject) + object.

Passive Voice: Object becomes subject + is/are/am (depending upon the new subject) + third form of verb + by (most often) + the object (originally the subject).

Example: The emission of gasses increases the pollution levels in the environment. (Active Voice).

In passive: The emission of gases becomes object. The pollution levels become subject. Hence the sentence is: The pollution levels are (new plural subject) increased in the environment by the emission of gases (original subject becoming object).

The question is how to remember this and is by just explaining the rule will do the good? I have tried explaining the rules, but of no avail. I devised a method to make the students understand. In fact, I successfully tried two versions.

I use the independent-dependent relationship between the subject and object. If the subject is independent, then use active voice and if the subject is dependent then the passive voice is used. For instance:

The students read books. Here, the students is an independent subject and books dependent on students. Hence an active voice.

On the contrary: Books are read by students. Books is a dependent subject on the independent object, the students. Hence the passive voice is to be used.

Similarly: We (independent subject) watched a movie( dependent object), yesterday. Hence an active voice. The passive becomes: A movies (dependent subject) was watched by us (independent object).

Another way is to see, out of subject or object, who does work. If the subject does work or performs anything, we use active voice. If the work is done by object then use passive voice. For instance:

The teacher (subject doing something) explains the rules of voice. ACTIVE VOICE

The rules of voice are explained by the teacher (object doing something). PASSIVE VOICE

Try to use any of the above methods to remove this jinx. I hope it is helpful.

If the problem still persists, please get in touch and message at 7087937009. Join me online for grammar classes.

IELTS Speaking: Requirements and Tips

IELTS speaking test is a section in the whole test that is very difficult to crack for the non-English speaking natives and the candidates who are not habitual of speaking the global language in their daily routine. Even if they may be good at grammar because of being high scoring student in their school days, they lack many of the desired skills the interviewers and the evaluators are looking for. In today’s blog I am going to discuss about the parameters, one by one:

  1. Fluency: The first and the foremost skill is the uninterrupted speaking at length, without any undue pauses, stammering, hesitation, repetition and self corrections. The candidate has to make the interviewer understand the topic/answer thoroughly with clear articulation, right kind of examples, speaking at an optimal speed, in order that the conversation is assertive, clear and well comprehended. The use of linking words like however, moreover, but, on the contrary, while etc. can be highly supportive in enhancing the fluency. The key to acquire this skill is to practice, practice and practice. Some of the candidates always feel that whatever they practice at the coaching institutes ( for 15-30 minutes), it is more than enough and they do not need to perform speaking drills at home. It is just a wishful thinking or illusion. Some candidates are so confident that they will get this fluency, magically, during the actual test, when there is immense pressure of achieving the desired bands. This inherent weakness can only be removed or improved upon by consistent speaking practice. To start speaking without the fear of being incorrect is the only way to abbreviate the gap.
  2. Lexical Resource (Vocabulary): The second parameter to be evaluated and scored is the range of words and paraphrasing. Using the synonyms of higher order is the key to score higher bands. Get rid of the routine words like good, bad, right, wrong, increase, hot, cold, less, more and numerous other common words and replace them with the uncommon words like exceptional, fallacious, legitimate, erroneous, scorching, chilling, insufficient, additional and similar commendable vocabulary. The words have to be learnt and used consciously while speaking and one must be diligent enough to use these words at the right place and to convey the appropriate meaning. While using the words, one must avoid any kind of miscalculation. The only way to master excellent articulation and usage is learning by heart and embed it in the mind by using these while doing practice.
  3. Grammar range and accuracy: While speaking the mismatch of the tenses with the time period of expression or description is a common fallacy. It happens due to lack of concentration, inefficient grammar skills, non-habitual of being correct with grammar usage. Apart from the tenses, the sentence structure range from active/passive to complex and compound sentences is the key to impress the evaluator. Sometimes the students keep on practicing for months without doing a conscious effort on their part to remove this common grey area, even after being told about their shortcoming, repeatedly. One way to get rid of this hardship is to listen to yourself while speaking which will help you to autocorrect and tame the unacceptable speaking.
  4. Pronunciation: Do not confuse pronunciation with the accent. The clumsy pronunciation vastly affects the score. The sounds like sh, ch, o, ed, a, the are common vocal mishaps. Sometimes, it is due to the problem with local language and the dialects. It requires consistent effort to remove this counter-productive habit. The problem can be alleviated by listening to English news, especially on Doordarshan ( the news-readers are very specific in their language skills, pronunciation and grammar), read a book or text, loudly, record the drill and listen afterward to self-correct.

The above are the traits the IELTS testing agencies are looking for. The only way is to practice hard without feeling shy, introvert, fear of failure, losing impression. Remember that you are on a mission, which requires efforts and only efforts for desired length of time. You cannot rush your way through the preparation. Give yourself enough time and do not attempt the IELTS test, under-prepared. There is no fun in wasting the hard=earned money of the guardians. I understand your and your parents’ desperation to land in a developed nation and kick-start your dream-life. But it is better to have patience, practice than to stumble at the finish line.

Wish you happy practicing.

You may get in touch for your challenges of the English Language with me.

Dr.B.P.Gupta (B.Tech, MBA. Ph.D.: online IELTS trainer: 7087937009)

Continue reading “IELTS Speaking: Requirements and Tips”

IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-3

I thank my readers for an encouraging response to these blogs. After the feedback, observations and persisting errors in writing tasks, I have decided to write on some simple but crucial points to be vigilant about while writing any task. It has been already discussed the criticality of grammar rules and some suggestions have been outlined in the previous blogs. Today, we will look at very simple things but very important issues and errors that candidates keep on doing.

  1. Subject- Verb Agreement: Because of no attention paid during the formative years of education, the subject-verb compatibility suffers the most and the students keep on committing the same mistakes, over and over again. Let’s revisit the tenses.

Most problems in the subject-verb agreement are pertaining to present tenses.

a. Simple Present Tense: It is the simplest of the tenses and the most frequently used form of tense in the writing or speaking (Active or Passive Voice) and most commonly taught. Still the students keep on failing in the matching of Noun-Verb rules of this most important tense form. The structure is very simple: Subject+Verb (first form) +Object: If the subject is singular (except you/I) the verb must has s suffixed to it. If the subject is I or You or Plural, the verb must not have any suffix.

For example: My mother (singular Noun) cooks food. He (singular Noun) fights with his friends. They (plural Noun) play (no s suffixed)cricket. I work hard. You run fast.

The above is very simple to remember. On the contrary, most of the errors are seen in this simple tense only. Most of the students fail to recognize the singular noun in case of compound nouns or nouns made by a group of words. Some of the examples are:

i) One of the members/ one of the things/ one of the matches/one of the reasons. Most of the students take it as a plural noun as the group ends with a plural noun. But if look at the group of words, we are talking about only one person/thing/event out of many. This a singular subject. Hence the sentence will be:

One of the students (singular) creates a lot of problems on the class. One of the teachers talks to him. One of the matches is lost. One of the houses in my colony is demolished by the municipal corporation. One of the students has failed. One of the doctors is operating on the patient.

ii) Reading books/ cutting trees/ preparing dishes/ drawing paintings: These are the names of activities and hence are singular nouns.

Reading books enhances vocabulary, reading and writing skills. Cutting trees increases the accumulation of greenhouse gases in environment. Preparing awesome dishes requires enough practice. Drawing paintings is my hobby. These words are used as singular. However, every noun of this forms is not singular.

Rolling stones gather no moss. Here rolling is not an activity. It is an adjective describing the stone. Crying children create irritation. Crying is an adjective to children. Irritating people have a very bad attitude.

Hence be clear and be precise in identifying the singular/plural noun.

iii) The number of people/ a number of animals/ the number of laws/ the number of gifts: These are plural nouns. Number itself is singular, but in a group like a number of things, it is plural.

A large number of people (plural) wear mask these days due to Corona. A large number of animals die every year due to floods. A large number of laws prevent crimes on children. A large number of gifts are bought for a huge price. A lot of people have suffered due to Covid.

Please, be cautious and focused while writing and following the rules of grammars, otherwise the chances of getting the desired bands are bleak. The problem is that many students take this rule for granted and lose concentration while writing.

Please, practice this rule again and again and make sure that the error is avoided. Use a good grammar to do practice. We will discuss the use of active and passive voice in the next blog. I hope you will take care of this rule.

All the best. Send your concerns.

Dr.B.P.Gupta (7087937009)

IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-2

In the part-1, a lot of talk was about the grammar skills and how to use a word in distinct parts of speech. I hope the readers got something to improve upon their writing expression. Moving from the point where I left, some of the more challenges faced by the IELTS candidates while attempting the writing task.

3. Structure of the sentences: A candidate needs to showcase of his sentence architecture proficiency by adopting different patterns in the sentence formation. The prowess in the use of Active-Passive Voice, Compound and complex sentences and the right use of adjectives enable to adorn the sentences and provide a beautiful design to the writing. It adds an aesthetic sense to the whole essay. Let’s learn with a simple demonstration. Begin with a basic articulation.

“Greenhouse gases increase global warming.”

Let’s try to modify it into a great sentence, stage by stage. Step1: Add some words before the subject and the object and an adverb too.

Modification 1: The continuous emission of greenhouse gases increases (Note: the subject has become singular. There is s added to the verb) already dangerous levels of global warming, further.

I think it looks a little better. Step 2: Let’s try to add a supporting cause or effect to transform it into a compound or a complex sentence.

Modification 2: The continuous emission of greenhouse gases by the ever increasing human activity, increases already dangerous levels of global warming, further, which is taking dangerous proportions.

So, there is a cause and an effect added to the sentence to make it more eye-catching and effective. Step 3: Let’s try to further enhance its effectiveness. Let’s add another sentence to it by using a conjunction and provide a solution to the problem.

Modification 3: The continuous emission of greenhouse gases by the ever increasing human activity, increases already dangerous levels of global warming, further, which is taking dangerous proportions and all the countries should come together to solve this increasing hazard.

The sentence has grown further. Step 3: Let’s revisit the sentence and make some changes by modifying the vocabulary and improving the articulation. A close look tells us that the word ‘increase’ has been used repeatedly, which makes an otherwise fantastic sentence a little weak.

Modification 4: The continuous emission of greenhouse gases by the ever accumulating (increasing) human activity, skyrockets (increases) already dangerous levels of global warming, further, which is taking dangerous proportions and to come out of this hole, cohesive approach has to be adopted, globally to save the mankind from the burgeoning effects of this modern challenge (all the countries should come together to solve this increasing hazard).

If the individuals, who are trying to enhance their writing skills, do practice as suggested above, I am sure a lot of benefit can be sought.

The writing task blog series has not ended with this part. More writeups to follow.

Anyone who wants to learn the tricks and want to enhance the IELTS score may message at 7087937009 to join my classes.

IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-1

In addition to speaking test, the IELTS Writing tasks are also tough, especially for the students who are weak at English. The students find it very difficult to come to terms with grammar skills, vocabulary and ideas required for Task-2. At this stage of their career, they feel highly frustrated and sometimes helpless with the IELTS writing. They remain confused and in great dilemma about the penning down of these tasks. They lose patience when they work on their English Writing Skills. This blog tries to address some of these problems which the candidates face and tell.

  1. Grammar Skills: The students mostly start with working with the improvement in tenses. But after doing some practice they start losing patience and stop focusing on the tenses during their writing and the problem starts revisiting them. Then the second most encountered hassle is the formation of sentences. As they are not well aware about the vocabulary and its parts of speech, they start using the learnt words without following the rules of the parts of speech. They mix the nouns with verbs or adjectives and so on. The wrong usage of words make their sentence construction highly erratic. They get trapped in a web of learning higher end vocabulary without using them in the sentences at the right place.

Even the coaching institutes start providing them with a long list of words with their synonyms or meanings in local language, without telling their various parts of speech. For instance, let us take beautiful as a word. Beautiful is an adjective, Beauty is a noun, Beautify is verb and beautifully is adverb. The sentence may be: The painter beautifully drew the picture of a beautiful girl gifted with awesome beauty which was further beautified by the strokes of the brushes of the painter. Unless and until the students do this practice, it becomes very difficult for them to use the vocab for their benefit. Also, the students must start reading a standard grammar book for the various parts of speech and their usage.

Another problem with grammar is the poor knowledge of prepositions and conjunctions. Most of the students do not know the proper use of the prepositions and use them randomly and thus put the meaning of the sentences in jeopardy. Apart from these, the auxiliaries and modals also demand attention to their usage with proper rules about verbs. Moreover, the use of articles is seldom learnt and the articles are placed according to the discretion of the students without adhering to the system of the language.

2. Connectors: The use of connectors is overly emphasized by a lot of IELTS trainers. The students get into a notion that if they use connectors in quantity, they will score higher bands. No doubt, the connecting words like however, moreover etc. are required but the overuse that too to just use them is entirely a wrong and suicidal approach. The essence of writing is the correctness of grammar, primarily, which should give sense to the sentences and then followed by the variety in structure of the sentences viz: Active-passive voice, compound-complex sentences, great and concise use of vocabulary. Candidates should be able to show the entire range of writing variations in their essay, especially as the task-1 does not give much scope of manipulation. However, the task can be made, cleverly, highly scoring.

Please start working on your grammar and keep following for the next blog. Gradually all the tricks, tips and the improvement points will be unfolded in the coming days. Any further suggestions, please feel free to post in comments or WhatsApp at 7087937009.

Keep writing with concentration and consciousness.

IELTS Speaking-How to Start?

Among all the IELTS modules, the speaking test is the most low scoring and feared, especially by the candidates who seldom speak in English language in their day to day affairs. Hesitation and lack of articulation are the inherent weaknesses that they portray. In addition, lack of grammatical skills and advanced vocabulary make this exercise a tough nut to crack. I have not talked about the fluency, yet, as it depends upon all the earlier factors. The scenario is faced by thousands of candidates who nurture a dream to fly to a developed nation of their bright and awesome future.

To start something is not so tedious. Similarly, the solution lies in the first step i.e. start speaking in English Language without worrying about the correctness of the grammar or hi-fi vocabulary or even ideas. Just start uttering English words out of your mouth. Do not worry about the people around you and the friends who will laugh at you. This worry will do no good but only make you carry the hesitation longer. Just ‘start‘ is the buzzword. When we embark on a journey to achieve our destination, the first step or the start brings it closer and the subsequent steps bridge the gap further.

A start will help us to slowly add the tricks and required momentum and acceleration to move in leaps and bounds towards the desired band. Start your journey with commitment, discipline, determination and by making others’ reactions irrelevant. Just think about the bulls eye and your focus must be to hit one day. Keep moving ahead with patience. Give yourself enough time. Don’t be impatient and don’t try to ungainly rush to achieve the desired outcome. With your consistent efforts, it is bound be in your lap, one day. Work with patience for that fortunate day, which will turnaround your life.

Some measures which an aspirant can take are as follows:

  1. Start speaking in English about the routine by using small sentences.
  2. Start working on the Rules of Tenses. However, first learn the three forms of verbs for a list of verbs.
  3. Find a friend or a support who can speak with you for atleast half an hour daily.
  4. Start watching English songs or movies to understand the accent and without worry whether you are able to understand in the beginning.
  5. Start loudly reading any book or newspaper written in English for about 15 minutes, daily and don’t worry about the people around.
  6. Start talking to yourself in English, in front of a mirror, daily by making eye contact.
  7. Always think in English about the routine activities, the things around you and the things in your house. It will help you to make a habit of thinking from English to English.
  8. Eliminate the habit of translating from native language to English to make sentences. It will never help you.

Make a great start with the above activities as it is said that well begun is half done. Do not worry and just do it.

For any suggestions and problems, you may post a question or WhatsApp at 7087937009.

All the best.

Vocabulary -1

Vocabulary is a critical component of speaking and writing skills in any language. When it comes to English language, learning vocabulary is a tedious work for a non-English speaking native. A candidate tries to learn a large number of words given in coaching books. However, only learning vocabulary is not enough. The articulation of words is highly important for the success.

When a candidate tries to use difficult or advanced vocabulary, without the knowledge of placement and the form of speech to be used, he falters at the very beginning and all the efforts end up being futile. The various forms of speech of the word are as important as the synonyms. In this post and the subsequent ones, important words, along with their different version, will be discussed. The words will be explained by using them in sentences. I hope this effort will make it easy for the students to understand the usage of vocabulary in speaking and writing skills. So, let’s start the journey of learning the vocabulary and try to crack the tests like IELTS/GRE/TOEFL or even CAT/MAT.


  1. Abandon: (VERB) abandoned, abandoned: (Give up, Surrender, Resign, discontinue, quit, discard, Leave): The students abandoned the idea of going on strike after they reached a compromise with the college authorities.
  2. Abandoned (ADJECTIVE): The police went into an abandoned building to find the clues to solve a murder mystery.
  3. Abandonment (NOUN): The abandonment of the child by the parents was highly stressful for the little boy.
  4. Abandoner (NOUN): The abandoners of the new born baby girl were nabbed by the police from their house.


  1. Abash (VERB): abashed, abashed: (humiliate, degrade, reduce, embarrass, confound): None can abash you if you are well-prepared to face the audience.
  2. Abashment (NOUN): The abashment of the boy by his classmates provoked him to commit suicide.
  3. Abashedly (Adverb): The rich landlord abashedly exhibited the luxurious possessions in the present of his [poor friend.


  1. Abate (VERB) : abated, abated: (decrease, moderate, subside, diminish, alleviate, subdue, reduce): The fear of the child abated as soon he saw his parents coming for his rescue from the clutches of the abductors.
  2. Abatement (NOUN): The abatement (reduction) in noise was brought about by the locals by passing a unanimous resolution not to use loudspeakers in any kind of public or private celebration or congregation.
  3. Abatable (Adjective): His pain was un-abatable (unabating) at the sudden demise of his parents in a terrorist attack.


  1. Abbreviate (VERB): abbreviated, abbreviated: (shorten, clip, truncate, trim, condense, curtail): The visit of the Prime Minister was abbreviated (cut short)due to the sudden outbreak of war with China.
  2. Abbreviation (NOUN): The abbreviation of the any word is not to be used in the writing test in IELTS.
  3. Abbreviated (Adjective): The abbreviated version of the story was clearly told by the teacher due to paucity of time.


  1. Abduct (VERB): abducted, abducted: ( kidnap, carry off forcefully): The affluent child was abducted by the abductors (noun) to demand a handsome amount in return.
  2. Abductee (NOUN, who was kidnapped) : The abductee who was abducted by the abductors was recovered unharmed by clever maneuvering by the police.

The above are 5 important words. You may build on the vocabulary by using the given synonyms and finding and using their forms of speech (verb, noun, adjective, adverb) in making smart sentences. Wish you a happy learning and practice till the next five words.

Dr B P Gupta (7087937009)

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