Topic Wise Opening Lines for Task-2: Part-2

The introduction of Task-2 is critical to a good band score in IELTS. It is said that ‘well begun is half done’. The opening line of the start of an essay must be excellently carved, brimming with high order vocabulary, with an efficiently articulated complex sentence. It must tell the importance of the issue. Today, we will try to know the opening lines of some other topics.

GLOBALIZATION: The advent of globalization has lead to integration of world economy as one, which is viewed as one market by the consumers and the marketers, though a lot of understanding between different countries need to be reached for realizing the actual purpose of world wide free trade./ The globalization of world economy has resulted in the transfer of the latest advancements in technology from the developed countries to the developing, hence has given a boost to consumerism in the third-world nation./ It is undeniable that the emergence of globalization has paved the way for intercontinental movement of good and services as the major developments in supply-chain have reached every nook and corner of the globe/ There is no doubt that due to globalization and free trade agreements, the developed countries are able to enjoy great advantage over the less progressive nations and followed the policy of dumping the obsolete technology in the poor nations,/ The advent of globalization has put more accountability on the shoulders of the affluent nations to contribute to the progress and prosperity of the third-world economies struggling with even basic amenities like education, health and hygiene./ Globalization has resulted in the integration of world markets and has increased the pace of economic activity throughout the world.

CRIME AND ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR: It is ironical that in the presence of excellent progress made by humans, the disrespectful behavior and crime rate have been increasing off-late/ Along with massive development done by mankind, it has witnessed a humungous increase in self-centric and illegal activities./ There is no doubt that with the increase in massive urbanization, the crime rate has leap-frogged to new levels/ There is no doubt that not a single nation has been left untouched by the ever climbing global terrorism./ With the increase in consumerism, the materialistic possessions and the individualism has jumped manifold and this has resulted in the swelling of disrespectful and antisocial behavior among the present generation./ It undeniable that better parenting can abate the continuous growth in the youth becoming hostile, stubborn and crime oriented/ There is no doubt that the guardians play a vital role in teaching human values to kids, yet they cannot be held liable and reprimanded for the antisocial activities done by children./ There is no doubt that excessive freedom to the infants leads them to go stray and follow the path of undesirable social behavior./ It is a highly debatable issue whether the parent should be held accountable for the misdeeds of the kids and also whether they should share the brunt of being legally convicted./ It is undeniable that the promotion of criminals as saviors and messiahs of the downtrodden and the fight sequences in the cinema and other media, have contributed to the criminalization of the adolescents.

HEALTH AND FITNESS: It is irrefutable that the rampant consumption of junk food is the major reason of increasing fatal ailments among the citizens throughout the globe./ Nobody can deny the fact that with the excessive usage of electronic gadgets, a huge proportion of the global population is becoming sedentary and this has lead to numerous health hazards./ It is popular saying that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Hence the benefits of sound health and a fit body cannot be undermined and are critical for a happy and successful life./ As the health and fitness among the denizens are dwindling day by day, the state must take the onus of investing in sports and outdoor activity infrastructure including the promotion of such activities in the society./ With the rise in inactive lifestyle of the kids, the education providers must aggressively promote a culture of track and field among the pupils through providing adequate infrastructure and coaching personnel./ it is undeniable that the tilting of scales in favor of junk and international cuisines at the cost of nutritious home made balanced diet, have contributed to the deteriorating health standards and prevalence of chronical ailments like diabetes, hypertension and numerous fatal diseases./ It is a debatable issue whether the up-bringers or the schools should take the responsibility of inculcating healthy eating practices among the younger generation in order to prevent them from suffering in the future.

The above are three more topics for which the opening sentences are suggested, above, to give a kick start to essay writing or IELTS task-2. These lines are suggestive in nature and a candidate can write better, too. This effort is to help and guide the non-English residents, who haven’t had a great schooling from English point of view and lack articulation skills on different topics.

I will carry on the similar efforts in the coming posts. I hope many will benefit from these posts.

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Published by Turnaround IELTS

This blog is created to support the IELTS/ GRE aspirants with the rich Vocab, Writing tasks and Speaking Skills.

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