IELTS Writing Tasks Tips-Part-2

In the part-1, a lot of talk was about the grammar skills and how to use a word in distinct parts of speech. I hope the readers got something to improve upon their writing expression. Moving from the point where I left, some of the more challenges faced by the IELTS candidates while attempting the writing task.

3. Structure of the sentences: A candidate needs to showcase of his sentence architecture proficiency by adopting different patterns in the sentence formation. The prowess in the use of Active-Passive Voice, Compound and complex sentences and the right use of adjectives enable to adorn the sentences and provide a beautiful design to the writing. It adds an aesthetic sense to the whole essay. Let’s learn with a simple demonstration. Begin with a basic articulation.

“Greenhouse gases increase global warming.”

Let’s try to modify it into a great sentence, stage by stage. Step1: Add some words before the subject and the object and an adverb too.

Modification 1: The continuous emission of greenhouse gases increases (Note: the subject has become singular. There is s added to the verb) already dangerous levels of global warming, further.

I think it looks a little better. Step 2: Let’s try to add a supporting cause or effect to transform it into a compound or a complex sentence.

Modification 2: The continuous emission of greenhouse gases by the ever increasing human activity, increases already dangerous levels of global warming, further, which is taking dangerous proportions.

So, there is a cause and an effect added to the sentence to make it more eye-catching and effective. Step 3: Let’s try to further enhance its effectiveness. Let’s add another sentence to it by using a conjunction and provide a solution to the problem.

Modification 3: The continuous emission of greenhouse gases by the ever increasing human activity, increases already dangerous levels of global warming, further, which is taking dangerous proportions and all the countries should come together to solve this increasing hazard.

The sentence has grown further. Step 3: Let’s revisit the sentence and make some changes by modifying the vocabulary and improving the articulation. A close look tells us that the word ‘increase’ has been used repeatedly, which makes an otherwise fantastic sentence a little weak.

Modification 4: The continuous emission of greenhouse gases by the ever accumulating (increasing) human activity, skyrockets (increases) already dangerous levels of global warming, further, which is taking dangerous proportions and to come out of this hole, cohesive approach has to be adopted, globally to save the mankind from the burgeoning effects of this modern challenge (all the countries should come together to solve this increasing hazard).

If the individuals, who are trying to enhance their writing skills, do practice as suggested above, I am sure a lot of benefit can be sought.

The writing task blog series has not ended with this part. More writeups to follow.

Anyone who wants to learn the tricks and want to enhance the IELTS score may message at 7087937009 to join my classes.

Published by Turnaround IELTS

This blog is created to support the IELTS/ GRE aspirants with the rich Vocab, Writing tasks and Speaking Skills.

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