Vocabulary -1

Vocabulary is a critical component of speaking and writing skills in any language. When it comes to English language, learning vocabulary is a tedious work for a non-English speaking native. A candidate tries to learn a large number of words given in coaching books. However, only learning vocabulary is not enough. The articulation of words is highly important for the success.

When a candidate tries to use difficult or advanced vocabulary, without the knowledge of placement and the form of speech to be used, he falters at the very beginning and all the efforts end up being futile. The various forms of speech of the word are as important as the synonyms. In this post and the subsequent ones, important words, along with their different version, will be discussed. The words will be explained by using them in sentences. I hope this effort will make it easy for the students to understand the usage of vocabulary in speaking and writing skills. So, let’s start the journey of learning the vocabulary and try to crack the tests like IELTS/GRE/TOEFL or even CAT/MAT.


  1. Abandon: (VERB) abandoned, abandoned: (Give up, Surrender, Resign, discontinue, quit, discard, Leave): The students abandoned the idea of going on strike after they reached a compromise with the college authorities.
  2. Abandoned (ADJECTIVE): The police went into an abandoned building to find the clues to solve a murder mystery.
  3. Abandonment (NOUN): The abandonment of the child by the parents was highly stressful for the little boy.
  4. Abandoner (NOUN): The abandoners of the new born baby girl were nabbed by the police from their house.


  1. Abash (VERB): abashed, abashed: (humiliate, degrade, reduce, embarrass, confound): None can abash you if you are well-prepared to face the audience.
  2. Abashment (NOUN): The abashment of the boy by his classmates provoked him to commit suicide.
  3. Abashedly (Adverb): The rich landlord abashedly exhibited the luxurious possessions in the present of his [poor friend.


  1. Abate (VERB) : abated, abated: (decrease, moderate, subside, diminish, alleviate, subdue, reduce): The fear of the child abated as soon he saw his parents coming for his rescue from the clutches of the abductors.
  2. Abatement (NOUN): The abatement (reduction) in noise was brought about by the locals by passing a unanimous resolution not to use loudspeakers in any kind of public or private celebration or congregation.
  3. Abatable (Adjective): His pain was un-abatable (unabating) at the sudden demise of his parents in a terrorist attack.


  1. Abbreviate (VERB): abbreviated, abbreviated: (shorten, clip, truncate, trim, condense, curtail): The visit of the Prime Minister was abbreviated (cut short)due to the sudden outbreak of war with China.
  2. Abbreviation (NOUN): The abbreviation of the any word is not to be used in the writing test in IELTS.
  3. Abbreviated (Adjective): The abbreviated version of the story was clearly told by the teacher due to paucity of time.


  1. Abduct (VERB): abducted, abducted: ( kidnap, carry off forcefully): The affluent child was abducted by the abductors (noun) to demand a handsome amount in return.
  2. Abductee (NOUN, who was kidnapped) : The abductee who was abducted by the abductors was recovered unharmed by clever maneuvering by the police.

The above are 5 important words. You may build on the vocabulary by using the given synonyms and finding and using their forms of speech (verb, noun, adjective, adverb) in making smart sentences. Wish you a happy learning and practice till the next five words.

Dr B P Gupta (7087937009)

Published by Turnaround IELTS

This blog is created to support the IELTS/ GRE aspirants with the rich Vocab, Writing tasks and Speaking Skills.

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