Structure of IELTS Exam

It is very crucial for the students to clearly know about the structure of IELTS (General/Academic). The test demands a high level of concentration and attentiveness, while attempting it. As mentioned in the earlier post, the IELTS exam consists of 4 modules. The same are explained in the subsequent paragraphs:

  1. Speaking Test: It is one of the most feared test by the non-English speaking population, as it does not have enough practice due to scant use of English Language in day to day speaking. The prominent weaknesses in the candidates while taking this test are found to be lack of grammar skills, hesitation in speaking or lack of articulation or lack of fluency, because of no habit of speaking in English and finally a highly non-standard and primitive or ordinary vocabulary. The test is taken on a separate day on which only speaking test is conducted. The test comprises of three section: Section1 is Introductory Round (about 10 minutes), Section 2 is Cue Card (a topic is given) for which one minute is provided for preparation and one minute for uninterrupted speaking and Section 3 is Discussion Round (General Questions surrounding the topic of Cue card, mostly) for about 3-5 minutes.
  2. Listening Test: It is a very high scoring test. However, it requires immense concentration and habit of listening to UK or American English Accent. The common mistakes that a candidate makes in this test are of incomplete answers, improper dates, missing s in plurals or ‘ed’ in past tense. The test contains 40 questions of various types: Blanks, MCQs, Direction or map based, category choice. There is no repetition of audio. The answers need to be given as the audio runs. keep noting the answers on the rough sheet as the candidate is given 10 minutes to put the answers on the score sheet. Also, read the instructions for each question, very carefully. if it is one word answer, use only one word and so on. Once again, the concentration and familiarity with the accent is the key.
  3. Reading Test: A lot of aspirants feel it to be tough to crack, especially the students of non-science back ground as the passages are mostly from science streams or related areas. The understanding of the vocabulary and connectors, contradictions, dates and names, key events and sentences are some of the critical features for getting great score in this. Also, three passages (for Academics) are long ones and need good time management. Each passage should be give not more than 18 minutes ( total time is 60 minutes, including recording of answers on the score sheet). For General candidates numerous small passages may be there (5-6 with one long passage). The key for Gen. IELTS reading is to identify the right information. There are 40 questions in total. Work hard on the science and related vocab, especially IELTS academic. Read any science book.
  4. Writing Test: It is divided into 2 tasks. Task 1 is different for Academics ( a description of data/picture/map/graph/ process diagram etc) and General ( Letter writing , formal or informal). The task requires a minimum of 150 words and may go up to 165. Task I should be completed in 18-20 minutes as a total time of 60 minutes is given for both tasks. Writing task 2 is common for both. it is an essay on any topic ( cause and effect/ pros and cons/ general discussion/ opinion) and a minimum of 250 words are to be written. The writing task must take care of grammar, high-end vocabulary, non-repetition of words and ideas, non repetition of sentences, must not use common words, sentences must use active as well as passive structures, complex sentences with idioms will add to score. The key is out of the box ideas for bands more than 6.5. A consistent writing practice and care of rules of grammars are the key. The score of task 2 is almost double than task1. Must complete the task in 35 minutes, in order to get time for revision. One must take care of spellings and any ambiguity.

The above is a brief description for the novices. The subsequent posts will be focused on building vocabulary and other tips.

Best wishes

Dr. B. P.Gupta (7087937009)

Published by Turnaround IELTS

This blog is created to support the IELTS/ GRE aspirants with the rich Vocab, Writing tasks and Speaking Skills.

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